Phpstorm And Xdebug

The basic idea in PhpStorm is that you tell it where to look for the xdebug session (the “server”) and then you tell it how to link the files it’s running in the VM to the files found in the repo (called “mapping”). What follows are opinionated defaults, so adjust as you deem necessary. Specifically, the PHP versions you’ll be.

  1. Phpstorm Xdebug Cli
  2. Phpstorm Xdebug Not Working
  3. Phpstorm Xdebug

It is possible to run PHP cli without a docker-compose file, I have found it is easier to set up PhpStorm using this intermediate step. PhpStorm has several preconfigured Docker containers, source: Github - JetBrains / phpstorm-docker-images; Docker hub - PhpStorm; They can be used as follows: Php 7.3 CLI and XDebug 2.7. Sudo apt-get install -y php-xdebug Further configuration is done within the php extension. The extension file for xdebug is located at: /mods-available/xdebug.ini. To find out where is your php installation, you can run a quick ` php -i grep php.ini `. PhpStorm is a popular code IDE for PHP and Drupal development. This video tutorial shows you how to set up PhpStorm with Xdebug. If you’ve a local php installation (for example php 7.1 installed with homebrew on macOS) that listens on port 9000 you may need to change the containers php.ini port specification to another port (i.e. Xdebug.remoteport=9001) and tell phpstorm to listen on that port.

Phpstorm xdebug remote

The basic idea in PhpStorm is that you tell it where to look for the xdebug session (the “server”) and then you tell it how to link the files it’s running in the VM to the files found in the repo (called “mapping”).

What follows are opinionated defaults, so adjust as you deem necessary. Specifically, the PHP versions you’ll be supporting

Confirm PhpStorm’s project setup

Make sure you have your project folders already set up in phpStorm.

  1. Open preferences in the main menu, and navigate to the Directories section
  2. Make sure your project’s content root is set
  3. Click Languages & Frameworks, PHP and fill it in like this
    • Set the PHP language level to match the site you’re debugging.
    • CLI Interpreter: select one if you have it, leave it as <no interpreter> if you don’t
    • Include Path section: add the path to the locally-mapped public_html folder of the VM for your project

Set up the Server

This is not a server in the sense of an actual server, more like the settings on how to connect to the VVV server already set up.

  1. In the default toolbar, you’ll see a select box that has either “Add Configuration…” (if you haven’t set up debugging for another project) or “Edit configurations…” (if you have). Whatever it says, click it.
    • If you don’t see this item in your toolbar, add it in by customizing the toolbar. You’ll thank me later.
  2. Click the + sign top left and select PHP Remote Debug and fill it in using the following settings:
    • Name: <your project name> Debug
    • Filter debug connection by IDE key: enabled
    • Server: skip for now
  3. Click Apply and keep clicking Apply until you’re back in the editor.

Set up the Folder Mapping

For PhpStorm and xdebug to correctly hit breakpoints and talk to each other, we need to tell PhpStorm how the files it knows about are mapped to the files that VVV knows about.

There is a way to get the server going manually but there is an easier way: get PhpStorm to do the important bits for us. Here’s how.

  1. Start listening for connections in PhpStorm by clicking the small telephone icon
  2. Load a VM page in your browser
    • PhpStorm will detect a request to connect, but will complain that path mappings are not set up. This is fine, we’re about to do that. But what PhpStorm also does is set up the “Server” configuration for us. Sweet!
  3. When you see the “Incoming Connection from Xdebug” window, click “Manually choose local file or project” and then “Accept”
    • At this point, debugging will run and then stop because the mappings are not set up yet, and there are no break points. Time to fix that.
  4. In the toolbar, select “Edit Configurations…”
  5. On the left side make sure the “ Debug' config is selected, then click the ellipsis in the 'Server:' section
  6. Look at the server already set up for us. Thanks PhpStorm. Now to do the mapping.
    • The key to remember here is that we are mapping the files from where they are relative to the mapped server folder, to where they are in the code repo as it is linked within the VM.
  7. Enable “Use path mappings….” to enable the section below it.
  8. Expand “Project files” and then expand the project path.
  9. Fill in the highest-level section you can to capture everything. For simple projects this will likely be a 1:1 mapping, but for complicated nested projects you may not have to map absolutely eveything, only the children
  10. Expand “Include Path”
  11. Fill in the items below, and only the items below, into this section (if it’s not already filled in; it should be):
File/ DirectoryAbsolute path on server
  1. Click Apply until you’re back at your code view.

Spongebob squarepants sub indo mp4. Done. Now once you enable Xdebug, turn on debugging in PhpStorm and set a breakpoint, you’re ready to debug.

Besides interactive debugging, PhpStorm integration with Xdebug also supports profiling. PhpStorm provides visual representation of profiling data generated by Xdebug. You can select several snapshots at a time and collect the aggregated profiling information.

Before profiling with Xdebug, download, install and configure the components of the PHP development environment. Normally, these are a PHP engine, a web server, and the Xdebug tool.

Enable profiling with Xdebug

Configure Xdebug

  1. Download and install the Xdebug tool.

  2. Integrate Xdebug with the PHP engine.

  3. Integrate Xdebug with PhpStorm.

Enable the Xdebug profiler

  1. Open the active php.ini file in the editor:

    1. In the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S, click PHP.

    2. On the PHP page that opens, click next to the CLI Interpreter field.

    3. In the CLI Interpreters dialog that opens, the Configuration file read-only field shows the path to the active php.ini file. Click Open in Editor.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To permanently enable the profiler, set the xdebug.profiler_enable (for Xdebug 2) or xdebug.mode (for Xdebug 3) directive:

    • To enable triggering the profiler from the browser by using the XDEBUG_PROFILE cookie or a GET/POST parameter, set the following directives depending on the Xdebug version used:

      xdebug.profiler_enable = 0; xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger = 1;
      xdebug.mode = profile; xdebug.start_with_request = trigger;
Configure xdebug phpstorm

Phpstorm Xdebug Cli

Configure the way to toggle the profiler from the browser

To specify the XDEBUG_PROFILE cookie or a GET/POST parameter, do one of the following:

  • Specify the values manually.

  • Generate the bookmarklets to toggle the debugger through. These bookmarklets will appear on the toolbar of your browser. They provide control over the debugger cookie, through them you will activate and deactivate the debugger.
    1. Enable the Bookmarks toolbar in your browser by doing one of the following depending on the browser type:

      • In Firefox, choose View | Toolbar | Bookmarks Toolbar.

      • In Chrome, choose Bookmarks | Show bookmarks bar.

    2. In the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S, navigate to PHP | Debug.

    3. On the Debug page, that opens, click the Use debugger bookmarklets to initiate debugger from your favorite browser link.

    4. On the Zend Debugger & Xdebug bookmarklets page that opens, check the debugging engine settings and click Generate. The bookmarks for listed debugging-related actions are generated.

    5. Drag the generated links to the bookmark toolbar in your browser.

Specify the location for storing accumulated profiling data

  1. Open the active php.ini file in the editor:

    1. In the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S, click PHP.

    2. On the PHP page that opens, click next to the CLI Interpreter field.

    3. In the CLI Interpreters dialog that opens, the Configuration file read-only field shows the path to the active php.ini file. Click Open in Editor.

  2. Shining force feather ds english patch. Define location for accumulating profiling snapshots by specifying the xdebug.profiler_output_dir (for Xdebug 2) or xdebug.output_dir (for Xdebug 3) directive.

    xdebug.profiler_output_dir = '<path to output folder>'
  3. Specify the name of the file to store snapshots in through the value of the xdebug.profiler_output_name directive. The default name is cachegrind.out.%p, where %p is the name format specifier. Accept the default name or define a custom one in compliance with the following standard:

    1. The name should always be cachegrind.out.

    2. Use the supported format specifiers. Bass pro xps 555 battery charger manual.

Analyze Xdebug profiling data

When integration with Xdebug profiler is enabled, PhpStorm provides visual representation of profiler snapshots. PhpStorm opens a separate editor tab with four views where the data are presented based on different criteria.

Initiate an Xdebug debugging session

Do one of the following:

Phpstorm Xdebug Not Working

  • To start debugging an entire application, create debug configuration of the type PHP Web Page, and launch debugging by clicking .

    See Debug with a PHP web page debug configuration for details.

  • To debug a specific PHP HTTP request, define a debug configuration of the type PHP HTTP Request, and launch debugging by clicking .

    See Debug a PHP HTTP request for details.

  • To initiate a zero-configuration debugging session:

    1. Toggle the Start Listen PHP Debug Connections button on the PhpStorm toolbar so that it changes to . After that PhpStorm starts listening to the port of the debugging engine used in the current project. Debugging ports are set at the PhpStorm level on the PHP | Debug page of the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S.

    2. Open the starting page of your application in the browser, choose the Start debugger bookmark to activate the debugging engine from the browser, re-load the current page (the starting page of the application), and then return to PhpStorm.

Retrieve the data accumulated by the profiler

  1. From the main menu, choose Tools | Analyze Xdebug Profiler Snapshot.

  2. In the Select Xdebug profiler snapshot dialog, that opens, choose the folder and the file where the profiling data is stored.

    PhpStorm presents the collected profiling data in a separate editor tab with the name of the selected profiler output file.

Phpstorm Xdebug

Examine the profiling data

When you request on the accumulated profiling data, PhpStorm opens its visualized presentation in a separate editor tab. The tab is named after the selected profiler output file and consists of several views. Switch between the views to analyze the profiling data based on various criteria of analysis.

  • In the Execution Statistics view, examine the summary information about execution metrics of every called function.

  • In the Call Tree view, explore the execution paths of all called functions.

  • To explore the execution paths of a specific function, select the function in the Call Tree view and view its callees in the Callees view.

  • To explore all the paths that can result in calling a specific function, select the function in the Call Tree view and examine its possible callers in the Callers view.

Last modified: 08 March 2021