R Notebook Markdown

Syntax highlighting in markdown

  1. R Markdown List

Last updated by Dan Quinney on August 08, 2016 16:33


私は最近Rstudioをダウンロードし、R Notebookを作成しました。ただし、保存するとViewerにNotebookが表示されません(説明にはそれが機能すると記載されています)。私は同じ問題を見ました. The option for centering a plot you generated by R code in Rmd file and that for an existing figure from a file elsewhere is different. For the figures you generated in R, I think fig.align='center' is sufficient, even if you want a PDF output. For center center to work, you can only use an HTML output. CoCalc - Online Jupyter Notebooks. Provides free online access to Jupyter notebooks running in the cloud on Microsoft Azure.

R notebook markdown template

Codebase allows you to use markdown in various places such as ticket updates and notebook pages. Markdown is great because of its support of code blocks. We've tied this in with Codebase's powerful syntax highlighting to provide language specific code blocks


To use the syntax highlighting, you'll need to specify the language that you're using. For example:


Here's a full list of supported languages:

R Markdown List

  • Cucumber ('*.feature')
  • abap ('*.abap')
  • ada ('*.adb', '*.ads', '*.ada')
  • ahk ('*.ahk', '*.ahkl')
  • apacheconf ('.htaccess', 'apache.conf', 'apache2.conf')
  • applescript ('*.applescript')
  • as ('*.as')
  • as3 ('*.as')
  • asy ('*.asy')
  • bash ('*.sh', '*.ksh', '*.bash', '*.ebuild', '*.eclass')
  • bat ('*.bat', '*.cmd')
  • befunge ('*.befunge')
  • blitzmax ('*.bmx')
  • boo ('*.boo')
  • brainfuck ('*.bf', '*.b')
  • c ('*.c', '*.h')
  • cfm ('*.cfm', '*.cfml', '*.cfc')
  • cheetah ('*.tmpl', '*.spt')
  • cl ('*.cl', '*.lisp', '*.el')
  • clojure ('*.clj', '*.cljs')
  • cmake ('*.cmake', 'CMakeLists.txt')
  • coffeescript ('*.coffee')
  • console ('*.sh-session')
  • control ('control')
  • cpp ('*.cpp', '*.hpp', '*.c++', '*.h++', '*.cc', '*.hh', '*.cxx', '*.hxx', '*.pde')
  • csharp ('*.cs')
  • css ('*.css')
  • cython ('*.pyx', '*.pxd', '*.pxi')
  • d ('*.d', '*.di')
  • delphi ('*.pas')
  • diff ('*.diff', '*.patch')
  • dpatch ('*.dpatch', '*.darcspatch')
  • duel ('*.duel', '*.jbst')
  • dylan ('*.dylan', '*.dyl')
  • erb ('*.erb')
  • erl ('*.erl-sh')
  • erlang ('*.erl', '*.hrl')
  • evoque ('*.evoque')
  • factor ('*.factor')
  • felix ('*.flx', '*.flxh')
  • fortran ('*.f', '*.f90')
  • gas ('*.s', '*.S')
  • genshi ('*.kid')
  • glsl ('*.vert', '*.frag', '*.geo')
  • gnuplot ('*.plot', '*.plt')
  • go ('*.go')
  • groff ('*.(1234567)', '*.man')
  • haml ('*.haml')
  • haskell ('*.hs')
  • html ('*.html', '*.htm', '*.xhtml', '*.xslt')
  • hx ('*.hx')
  • hybris ('*.hy', '*.hyb')
  • ini ('*.ini', '*.cfg')
  • io ('*.io')
  • ioke ('*.ik')
  • irc ('*.weechatlog')
  • jade ('*.jade')
  • java ('*.java')
  • js ('*.js')
  • jsp ('*.jsp')
  • lhs ('*.lhs')
  • llvm ('*.ll')
  • logtalk ('*.lgt')
  • lua ('*.lua', '*.wlua')
  • make ('*.mak', 'Makefile', 'makefile', 'Makefile.*', 'GNUmakefile')
  • mako ('*.mao')
  • maql ('*.maql')
  • mason ('*.mhtml', '*.mc', '*.mi', 'autohandler', 'dhandler')
  • markdown ('*.md')
  • modelica ('*.mo')
  • modula2 ('*.def', '*.mod')
  • moocode ('*.moo')
  • mupad ('*.mu')
  • mxml ('*.mxml')
  • myghty ('*.myt', 'autodelegate')
  • nasm ('*.asm', '*.ASM')
  • newspeak ('*.ns2')
  • objdump ('*.objdump')
  • objectivec ('*.m')
  • objectivej ('*.j')
  • ocaml ('*.ml', '*.mli', '*.mll', '*.mly')
  • ooc ('*.ooc')
  • perl ('*.pl', '*.pm')
  • php ('*.php', '*.php(345)')
  • postscript ('*.ps', '*.eps')
  • pot ('*.pot', '*.po')
  • pov ('*.pov', '*.inc')
  • prolog ('*.prolog', '*.pro', '*.pl')
  • properties ('*.properties')
  • protobuf ('*.proto')
  • py3tb ('*.py3tb')
  • pytb ('*.pytb')
  • python ('*.py', '*.pyw', '*.sc', 'SConstruct', 'SConscript', '*.tac')
  • rb ('*.rb', '*.rbw', 'Rakefile', '*.rake', '*.gemspec', '*.rbx', '*.duby')
  • rconsole ('*.Rout')
  • rebol ('*.r', '*.r3')
  • redcode ('*.cw')
  • rhtml ('*.rhtml')
  • rst ('*.rst', '*.rest')
  • sass ('*.sass')
  • scala ('*.scala')
  • scaml ('*.scaml')
  • scheme ('*.scm')
  • scss ('*.scss')
  • smalltalk ('*.st')
  • smarty ('*.tpl')
  • sourceslist ('sources.list')
  • splus ('*.S', '*.R')
  • sql ('*.sql')
  • sqlite3 ('*.sqlite3-console')
  • squidconf ('squid.conf')
  • ssp ('*.ssp')
  • tcl ('*.tcl')
  • tcsh ('*.tcsh', '*.csh')
  • tex ('*.tex', '*.aux', '*.toc')
  • text ('*.txt')
  • v ('*.v', '*.sv')
  • vala ('*.vala', '*.vapi')
  • vbnet ('*.vb', '*.bas')
  • velocity ('*.vm', '*.fhtml')
  • vim ('*.vim', '.vimrc')
  • xml ('*.xml', '*.xsl', '*.rss', '*.xslt', '*.xsd', '*.wsdl')
  • xquery ('*.xqy', '*.xquery')
  • xslt ('*.xsl', '*.xslt')
  • yaml ('*.yaml', '*.yml')