Woocommerce Google Analytics

Operating a WooCommerce store without powerful WooCommerce reports and analytics is like any of the following:

Woocommerce Google Analytics
  • Having a bagel with no cream cheese.
  • Watching a movie with no popcorn.
  • Ordering a burger with no chips.
How to get woocommerce google analytics id

How To Get Woocommerce Google Analytics Id

They're all fine on their own, but why not have both if you can? I can assure you that you will be happier in the long run. I can also assure you that I didn’t mean to use 3 different examples all involving food, it just happened that way.

Woocommerce Google Analytics Integration

Mar 10, 2021 How to track WooCommerce Conversions in Google Analytics (In 4 Steps) For the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll assume you’ve already set up your Google Analytics account. If you need help connecting Google Analytics to your WooCommerce site, we recommend the MonsterInsights plugin (which we’ll also be using to set up e-commerce tracking. WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro adds advanced event tracking to your WooCommerce store and automatically pushes these events into Google Analytics, letting you easily get insights into important metrics like average order value, conversion rate, sales by product or category, and other valuable data. ECommerce Tracking with almost no setup!

Woocommerce Google Analytics Pro

But I digress. We are here today to talk about WooCommerce reports and analytics, not food.

You most likely found your way to this post by searching Google for something along the lines of 'WooCommerce Reports' or 'Best WooCommerce plugins for reporting'. And you most likely typed one of those phrases into Google because you are experiencing the same frustration that most WooCommerce users experience on a day-to-day basis - the inability to easily generate meaningful and useful WooCommerce reports and analytics. As a result, rather than making informed operational decisions, you have been making educated guesses based on the limited data you have available. If this sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place.

Google Analytics Certification

So we have identified the problem - bad native WooCommerce reports and analytics - then what’s the solution?

Woocommerce Google Analytics

I would argue that one of WooCommerce’s biggest strengths is its large community dedicated to building and selling plugins. As such, there are many different reporting plugins and web applications available that could solve our reporting problem. The question is, how do you know which one to pick?

Google Tag Manager

Sit back and relax as we take you through what we think are your best options for powerful WooCommerce reports and analytics: