Java Markdown To Pdf

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  • Convert your HTML to PDF with Java with easy PDF SDK. Sample Java code, Java app and Java project provided to create PDF from HTML.

Monday, 29 February, 2016

Markdown is a popular text formatting syntax among developers these days. Popular Sites like Github or Bitbucket use Markdown for project documentation and various other types of user generated content. These sites automatically convert markdown syntax to HTML, so it can be displayed in a browser.

However, maybe you want to use Markdown as document format without using a platform that does the conversion for you. Or you are in need of an output format other than HTML. In this case you need a tool that can convert markdown to the desired target format. Pandoc is is a document conversion tool that can be used for exactly this (and a lot of other things). With Pandoc you can convert Markdown documents to PDF, HTML, Words DOCX or many other formats.

Use XEP XSL-FO processor inside an Oracle database as a Java stored procedure to create PDF documents and send them over the intranet without storing them.

After installing Pandoc, you can simply run it from command line.

Markdown Export To Pdf

Note: By default, Pandoc uses LaTeX to generate PDF documents. So, if you want to generate PDF documents, you need to install a LaTex processor first (list of required LaTeX packages).

Java markdown to pdf converter

Java Markdown 转 Pdf

To convert a Markdown file into a PDF document, the following command can be used:

Pandoc is able to merge multiple Markdown files into a single PDF document. To generate a single PDF document out of two Markdown files you can use:

By default the page margins in the resulting PDF document are quite large. You can change this by passing a margin parameter:

To create HTML or DOCX documents you simply have to change the file extension of the target file:

The resulting documents are well formatted. The following two screenshot show a DOCX and a PDF document created out of two small example markdown files:

Resulting DOCX document:

Java Markdown To Pdf

Resulting PDF document:


  • 'By default, Pandoc uses LaTeX to generate PDF documents.' can CSS be used to style pdfs?

  • Hi, Michael! If you need to convert Markdown file to DOCX, you can use Writage plugin for MS Word. It allows to open, edit and save your MD files as DOCX (or DOCX as MD files) from the MS Word.

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Markdown Implementations

Java markdown 转 pdf

Either direct or other lists

  • stackoverflow Question 11 lists some and references

Specific implementations

In Python universe, some packages. There are more.

  • Markdown with its features

In Perl, there is a package:

Wikipedia has a list that is reproduced here, so that we can add/remove columns and Markdown processors.

Java Markdown To Pdf

Name Language Type Description Official site

mmd2pdf Autoit - MultiMarkdown to PDF convertergoogle code

md2html.awk Awk Converter Markdown to Htmlbitbucket

apache-mod-sundown C Apache HTTPd module Using Sundown C librarygithub
Discount C Library and HTML converter -site
libpandoc C Multiconverter -github
peg-multimarkdown C - Using parsing expressing grammar (PEG)github, github fork
peg-markdown C - Using parsing expressing grammar (PEG)github
PEG Markdown Highlight C Syntax highlighter Using parsing expressing grammar (PEG)site
Sundown C - -github
libupskirt C Parser Fork of libsoldoutgithub
libsoldout C Parser Simple parser onlysite
Doxygen C++ Sourcecode documentation generator Doxygen supports Markdown with extra featuressite
Cpp-Markdown C++ Generator Markdown to HTMLsourceforge
RStudio C++ IDE for R (programming language) C++ wrapper for sundownsite
Qarkdown C++ Editor (Qt) Simple crossplatform Markdown editor using Qtsite

MarkdownSharp C# - -google code
MoonShine C# - -github C# - -github
markdown-clj Clojure Converter Generates HTML from Markdown, compiles to both Clojure and ClojureScriptgithub

Blackfriday Go - -github
Goskirt Go - -github
MaTeS Go Converter to HTML5 Creates web pages or presentation slides. Supports citation, tables, math and
Upskirt.go Go - -github

Pandoc Haskell Converter (Multiformat) -site
Sundown HS Haskell - -github
MarkdownJ Java - -google code
pegdown Java - -github
MarkdownPapers Java - Implementation based on a JavaCC parsersite
Txtmark Java - -github
Markdown4j Java - Extensible markdown java implementationgoogle code
Dillinger JavaScript Editor 'WYSIWYM' editorsite, github
uedit JavaScript Editor 'WYSIWYM' editorgithub
node-discount JavaScript - node.js binding for Discountgithub
markdown-js JavaScript - Parser for JavaScript/node.jsgithub
marked JavaScript - A fast markdown parsergithub
PageDown JavaScript Webeditor and viewer Used by Stack Exchange sitesgoogle code and github
PageDown-Bootstrap JavaScript Webeditor and viewer Fork of PageDown which uses the Twitter Bootstrap template frameworkgithub
Showdown JavaScript Webeditor and viewer -site/github JavaScript Webeditor and viewer Minimalist Online Markdown Editorsite
TextDown JavaScript Editor plugin for Chrome -chrome store/github
texts.js JavaScript Node.js module PEG-based grammar, intermediate format in JSONgithub
markdown.lua Lua - -luaforge
Lunamark Lua Converter HTML and LaTeX convertergithub
lua-discount Lua Binding -site

node-multimarkdown Node.js Parser Native MultiMarkdown extension for Node.jsgithub
RobotSkirt Node.js - -github
node-markdown Node.js - Parse Markdown syntax with node.jsgithub
gfm Node.js - The port of Showdown used on github.comgithub
Markdown Perl 6 Parser Markdown parser in Perl 6github Perl Converter to (X)HTML Official author perl markdown implementationsite
MultiMarkdown Perl Converter Markdowns originals MultiMarkdown supersetsite, github
text-markdown Perl Converter to (X)HTML -github
markdown-oo-php PHP Converter to (X)HTML Object-oriented implementation of Markdowngithub
markdown-handler PHP Converter to (X)HTMLgithub
PHP Markdown PHP Converter to HTML -site
PHP Markdown Extra PHP Converter to HTML Markdown with extra optionssite
PHP Markdown Extended PHP Converter to various formats (HTML, MAN, extensible) Markdown extended syntaxgithub
PHP Markdown Viewer PHP Viewer Wrapper for PHP Markdownsite
secondcrack PHP Blog A static-file Markdown blogging enginegithub, site
qlmarkdown Objective C - A Mac OS X Quicklook extension that uses Discount.github
Python-Markdown Python - A implementation with various extensions such as tables and ignoring internal bold/italic
Misaka Python Binding Python binding for Sundownsite
BlueCloth Ruby - -site
BlueFeather Ruby - -site
ffi-sundown Ruby - -github
gimli Ruby Markdown to PDF -gimli
kramdown Ruby Library -rubyforge
md2man Ruby Converter Markdown to manpagegithub Ruby Webviewer and Editor A nifty markdown notepadsite/github
Maruku Ruby Interpreter -github
RDiscount Ruby Binding Ruby binding for Discountgithub
Redcarpet Ruby Binding Ruby binding for Sundowngithub
Knockoff Scala - -site
Actuarius Scala - -site
Lowdown Chicken Scheme Parser library (egg) Can emit SXMLchicken wiki, Bitbucket
markdown.bash Bash Converter Markdown to HtmlGithub

Alternative lightweight markup formats

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