Magic Number

A SaaS magic number of.75 or greater is said to be a sign that you should continue to invest in customer acquisition, while anything less than.75 means that you should reevaluate your spending. Many in the SaaS community view a magic number of 1.0 to be ideal. However, you need to. Magic number definition, the atomic number or neutron number of an exceptionally stable nuclide. GCK'S FILE SIGNATURES TABLE This table of file signatures (aka 'magic numbers') is a continuing work-in-progress. I had found little information on this in a single place, with the exception of the table in Forensic Computing: A Practitioner's Guide by T. Jenkinson (Springer, 2000); that was my inspiration to start this list in 2002.

Tons of metrics can be calculated for any SaaS business. In order to determine how your start-up is performing in a business environment, it's essential to calculate the SaaS Magic Number and various other sales efficiency metrics. Although the metric is overlooked in the SaaS startup community, it’s no secret that SaaS Magic number is one of the most important ones when you are looking to raise your next investment round.

What does the SaaS Magic Number metric tell you about the business?

For starters, the SaaS Magic Number is a sales-related SaaS metric helpful in determining a start-up's competence in generating incremental periodic revenue. Calculating the SaaS magic number helps you understand how capital-efficient the business is, as well as the growth sustainability of your sales and marketing in a competitive market. There are two factors that are taken into consideration to figure out how efficiently money is being spent in growing the business:

Magic Number
  1. Spend on sales & marketing
  2. Growth in recurring revenue

In this blog post, not only will we take a look at why SaaS Magic Number holds real importance, but we will cover how to calculate it and better understand your company scalability.

Why is the magic number important?

Company finances are important to business operations, but investors also want to know how different metrics, in all facets, play out. The more control and understanding the founder has over its metrics, the more leverage he'll have in isolating company bottlenecks. While running a SaaS business you have to keep track of all the details, so magic number is important to your sales efficiency for various reasons:

Calibration: No SaaS business strikes out into an industry and reaps all of their consumers within a single attempt. Marketing requires adjustments and recalculations. Knowing your SaaS magic number calibrates your work toward better sales and marketing solutions.

Magic Number List

Sales Redesign: The specific areas that you need to improve in can be determined by a simple metric. What you have to ultimately figure out is when and where discrepancies are occurring. You can then target those areas and polish them up.

Cost Reduction: When you are succeeding, the numerical figures you receive reveal where costs can be reduced. This starts with knowing the scalability of your magic number and why.

Staff Education and Training: Sales enablement is a process that equips your SaaS staff with the tools they need to operate an entire sales funnel. The more that you know about the health in each part or stage, the better you can train and prepare your sales reps with by concentrating on just one particular SaaS metric. Whether you’re impacting your pricing strategies, decreasing client churn or boosting the free trial-to-client conversion rate, being mindful of SaaS magic number in the short-term will most certainly helps you stay on the right path.

Magic Number Java

[Back] These pages outlines some digital forensics examples showing the magic number which identifies the file:

DescriptionExtensionMagic Number
Adobe Illustrator.ai25 50 44 46 [%PDF]
Bitmap graphic.bmp42 4D [BM]
Class File.classCA FE BA BE
JPEG graphic file.jpgFFD8
JPEG 2000 graphic file.jp20000000C6A5020200D0A [....jP..]
GIF graphic file.gif47 49 46 38 [GIF89]
TIF graphic file.tif49 49 [II]
PNG graphic file.png89 50 4E 47 .PNG
WAV audio file.png52 49 46 46 RIFF
ELF Linux EXE.png7F 45 4C 46 .ELF
Photoshop Graphics.psd38 42 50 53 [8BPS]
Windows Meta File.wmfD7 CD C6 9A
MIDI file.mid4D 54 68 64 [MThd]
Icon file.ico00 00 01 00
MP3 file with ID3 identity tag.mp349 44 33 [ID3]
AVI video file.avi52 49 46 46 [RIFF]
Flash Shockwave.swf46 57 53 [FWS]
Flash Video.flv46 4C 56 [FLV]
Mpeg 4 video file.mp400 00 00 18 66 74 79 70 6D 70 34 32 [....ftypmp42]
MOV video file.mov6D 6F 6F 76 [....moov]
Windows Video file.wmv30 26 B2 75 8E 66 CF
Windows Audio file.wma30 26 B2 75 8E 66 CF
PKZip.zip50 4B 03 04 [PK]
GZip.gz1F 8B 08
Tar file.tar75 73 74 61 72
Microsoft Installer.msiD0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1
Object Code File.obj4C 01
Dynamic Library.dll4D 5A [MZ]
CAB Installer file.cab4D 53 43 46 [MSCF]
Executable file.exe4D 5A [MZ]
RAR file.rar52 61 72 21 1A 07 00 [Rar!...]
SYS file.sys4D 5A [MZ]
Help file.hlp3F 5F 03 00 [?_..]
VMWare Disk file.vmdk4B 44 4D 56 [KDMV]
Outlook Post Office file.pst21 42 44 4E 42 [!BDNB]
PDF Document.pdf25 50 44 46 [%PDF]
Word Document.docD0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1
RTF Document.rtf7B 5C 72 74 66 31 [{ tf1]
Excel Document.xlsD0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1
PowerPoint Document.pptD0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1
Visio Document.vsdD0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1
DOCX (Office 2010).docx50 4B 03 04 [PK]
XLSX (Office 2010).xlsx50 4B 03 04 [PK]
PPTX (Office 2010).pptx50 4B 03 04 [PK]
Microsoft Database.mdb53 74 61 6E 64 61 72 64 20 4A 65 74
Postcript File.ps25 21 [%!]
Outlook Message File.msgD0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1
EPS File.eps25 21 50 53 2D 41 64 6F 62 65 2D 33 2E 30 20 45 50 53 46 2D 33 20 30
Jar File.jar50 4B 03 04 14 00 08 00 08 00
SLN File.sln4D 69 63 72 6F 73 6F 66 74 20 56 69 73 75 61 6C 20 53 74 75 64 69 6F 20 53 6F 6C 75 74 69 6F 6E 20 46 69 6C 65
Zlib File.zlib78 9C
SDF File.sdf78 9C
Magic Number

The following are network traces with file types contained in them:

Magic number soda

Magic Number Meaning

  • PDF. For this use a filter of http contains '%PDF' or http contains 'x25x50x44x46': Here
  • GIF. For this use a filter of http contains 'GIF89a' or http contains 'x47x49x46x38': Here
  • PNG. For this use a filter of http contains 'x89x50x4Ex47': Here
  • MIME. For this use a filter of smtp contains '/9j/4AAQSkZJRgA': Here
  • SMTP Trace with email number. For this use a filter of smtp matches '[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]': Here
  • SMTP Trace with credit card number . To detect Visa credit card number, use a filter of smtp matches '5d{3}(s|-)?d{4}(s|-)?d{4}(s|-)?d{4}': Here